September Thu, 2022
Uptick in Governor Murphy’s Favorability, Job Approval Is Steady Nearly One Year Into Second Term, but New Jerseyans Are Split on Where the State Is Headed
Gov. Phil Murphy’s favorability rating has rebounded after taking a hit in the spring and about half of New Jerseyans continue to approve of the job he is doing as governor, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
September Thu, 2022
Most New Jerseyans Concerned About Gun Violence and Want Stricter Federal Gun Laws; About Half Say Gun Control More Important Than Right to Own a Gun
Majorities of New Jersey residents are concerned about mass shootings and want stricter gun laws, but residents are split when it comes to gun control versus Second Amendment rights, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll partnered with the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center.
September Wed, 2022
New Jerseyans Favor Sex Education in Middle and High School, But Split on Elementary School
As New Jersey’s new health and sexual education standards take effect, large majorities of Garden State residents are in favor of such content being taught in middle (71 percent) and high school (88 percent) but are pretty evenly divided when it comes to elementary school, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
March Thu, 2022
Six in Ten New Jerseyans Rate Garden State as Excellent or Good Place to Live, Yet One-Third Want to Move Out of New Jersey
Almost six in 10 New Jersey residents say the Garden State is an “excellent” (14 percent) or “good” (44 percent) place to live, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Twenty-eight percent rate it as “only fair” and another 13 percent as “poor.