May Fri, 2023
New Jerseyans Haven’t Heard Much About State Budget, Divided on Corporate Business Tax Expiration and School Funding
Most New Jerseyans have little knowledge of the state's proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, yet many have opinions about what is in it, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Three-quarters of New Jerseyans say they have seen or heard little (23 percent) or nothing at all (53 percent) about New Jersey’s proposed state budget. Four percent say they have heard a lot about the state budget, and 16 percent say they have heard some of the proposal.
September Thu, 2022
Uptick in Governor Murphy’s Favorability, Job Approval Is Steady Nearly One Year Into Second Term, but New Jerseyans Are Split on Where the State Is Headed
Gov. Phil Murphy’s favorability rating has rebounded after taking a hit in the spring and about half of New Jerseyans continue to approve of the job he is doing as governor, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
September Wed, 2013
Most New Jerseyans Support Christie’s Appearance in Storm Ads but Think Commercials’ Creators Chosen for Political Reasons
While state Sen. Barbara Buono continues to criticize Gov. Chris Christie’s involvement with New Jersey’s “Stronger than the Storm” ad campaign, 54 percent of registered voters side with the incumbent, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. The majority say Christie’s appearance in the commercials was focused on promoting confidence in the shore’s recovery, while 34 percent say the appearances were mostly about gaining publicity for his re-election campaign. Another 11 percent are unsure.